How To Reduce Involuntary Churn?
Businesses despise it when customers leave, and SaaS companies start to worry about CHURN. No company wants their customers to leave for any reason as it impacts their business status and affects their revenue. Customer Churn and Revenue Churn can be correlated and are the terms which require the most attention of any subscription business. Now that we have established that Churn is the most evident term that deserves attention, why this happens is another significant factor which needs to be addressed. Do customers leave willingly? Are they not happy with your services or product? What are the reasons behind them leaving? How can it be reduced? These are a few of the questions which we will take you through by the time this article ends. Do customers leave willingly? Are they not happy with your services or product Well, the answer to the first question is NOT NECESSARY AND NOT ALWAYS. Not every customer who is quitting is unsatisfied with your services. This is the point where ...