Encountered a Declined Credit Card and Not Sure What To Do? All the information you need is right here.
There is no doubt that credit cards have made it convenient for people to make purchases online and in store while offering valuable rewards and benefits in return, but he increased use of credit cards has led to a phenomenal surge in the number of e-payments that needs to be processed. This rise has also led to some challenges and risks for businesses and customers too. Even the software as a subscription (SaaS) business have not been left untouched from its effects. Some of the word’s subscription businesses dread the most are “declined,” “insufficient money,” and “invalid card number” with the driving force of them all being declined credit cards. As per the recent survey, the major contribution in the churn rate of any B2B subscription business is the credit card decline. If you’re facing similar issues for your business, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll explore how to deal with declined credit cards and recover lost revenue. But first, let’s drive into ...